
I’m a bit behind with this weeks blog, sorry! There was so much going on and a whirl of events in Takamatsu that I was looking at. Anyway, the really big news this month is the upcoming 11th Asia-Pacific Bonsai and Suiseki Convention & Exhibition.
(if you click on the link the English button is at the top)

Now this may surprise you but this is the first time this event has actually been held in Japan, which is pretty amazing, given that Japan is the home of bonsai.

We bloggers all went out to Kinashi, about four or five kilometers outside Takamatsu to interview some of the people involved with this and had the pleasant opportunity to take pictures (all photos by Pat Scanlon) and experience firsthand the artists at work.

The theme is to develop ‘Friendship and Better Future’ through bonsai and that’s a great idea! And of course we wish them the very best. There are a lot of foreign bonsai artists both living and practicing here and also coming for the event which will be held in five locations (check the link). Kinashi and the Sunport Convention Center and Area in the heart of Takamatsu and the very beautiful Ritsurin Garden (Park), the seaside town of Aji, Tamamo Park near the station, will feature prominently. The Sunport area is right near the Central Japan Rail Takamatsu Station and very easy to find.

There will be lectures, master classes all of which foreign guests are invited to join, enjoy and learn. Registration is required for some, so if you have any questions either write to the address or us on the link and we’ll get the relevant information to you as quickly as possible, I promise! (not like my late blog …)
The opening ceremony will be held on the 11/18 from 10:00 a.m. then followed by demonstrations and I’m told that there will be assistance from volunteer interpreters if needed. So please check this before coming if you don’t mind just to be sure?

For email information: tel: 087 813-1787 fax: 087-813-1797
I’ll be back with a follow up on this before the event and please do send questions if you have them?
Keep all those cards n’ letters coming in! See you in a short while (if I still have a desk after the late deadline …)
"Pat has lived in Takamatsu continuously since arriving here on a one year study and leave 1981. Originally from Tasmania, Australia, he was involved in education at a variety of levels including as a specialist teacher for children with learning difficulties, and at senior high schools throughout the state. Pat is employed full-time by the i-pal Kagawa International Exchange as a co-oridintaor for international relations amongst other duties including traveling to schools and giving talks in Japanese to kids about Australia. He has been involved with youth education exchanges between Japan and Australia for many years.
Pat has been many things in his colorful life including a seaman, helmsman, welder, carpenter, traffic warden, scholarship/studentship winner at the university of Tasmania, staff at the Australian Embassy in London to name but a few. Pat has far too many hobbies which include tennis, playing jazz flutes and saxes, riding bicycles with the Takamatsu Cycling Club all of which his long-suffering family tolerate. Recently he's become interested in painting again. His wife wishes he would put more time in to helping around the house and the garden which he artfully avoids ..."
Posted by pat at 21:54