
“Gem”(noun) ‘Definition; something beautiful or outstandingly good. Often left undiscovered’
And that’s just what the Yotsuya Simon Doll House in Sakaide City is.

Tel: 0877 45 1111 open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and within walking distance from Sakaide JR station. Open from 10:00~16:00.
500-yen adults

This exhibit just blew me away with the intoxicating imagery. Not much abstraction but a very dramatic, part fantasy, raw and direct observation of the human form through the medium of dolls and at times amusing. Quite possibly the most powerful look at the human form I’ve ever seen anywhere and I’ve looked at quite a lot over many years. The only comparison I could come up with was the Australian artist Lutz Presser for similarities.

The museum is staffed by a lovely woman who took a lot of trouble explaining things to me and she obviously feels very passionate about the works and the owners, the remarkable Kamada family. Makers of high-quality soy sauce and Japanese food products for centuries. The Kamadas are well known for both their philanthropy and contributions to the arts here in Kagawa prefecture.

After a few minutes here, I realized that I was actually in a ‘dolls house.’ This is where they lived and I was the guest. I’m a little slow to catch on, as it took me a few minutes to wake up to that and from then on I saw the works in a different way.

The first doll at the entrance was the huge man in a bowler and Rene Magritte must have inspired the figure.

I won’t go on trying to explain about this wonderful gem I found but urge anyone with an interest in art to go see this amazing exhibition. It will speak for itself and a few months after my visit I’m still thinking about it.

So until next month, enjoy the cooling breezes and see you then. Thanks for taking the time to read the blog.
"Pat has lived in Takamatsu continuously since arriving here on a one year study and leave 1981. Originally from Tasmania, Australia, he was involved in education at a variety of levels including as a specialist teacher for children with learning difficulties, and at senior high schools throughout the state. Pat is employed full-time by the i-pal Kagawa International Exchange as a co-oridintaor for international relations amongst other duties including traveling to schools and giving talks in Japanese to kids about Australia. He has been involved with youth education exchanges between Japan and Australia for many years.
Pat has been many things in his colorful life including a seaman, helmsman, welder, carpenter, traffic warden, scholarship/studentship winner at the university of Tasmania, staff at the Australian Embassy in London to name but a few. Pat has far too many hobbies which include tennis, playing jazz flutes and saxes, riding bicycles with the Takamatsu Cycling Club all of which his long-suffering family tolerate. Recently he's become interested in painting again. His wife wishes he would put more time in to helping around the house and the garden which he artfully avoids ..."
Posted by pat at 15:20