
So while the politicians in Tokyo blame each other, deflect responsibilities, muddle and dither, we all need some respite from the sizzling heat and there’s nothing better than keeping an eye out for one of Takamatsu’s many music festivals in summer.

Sunport by the Inland Sea is just the place to be and watch some of these events put on by the city and last week there was a flamenco festival.

I know zilch about flamenco but I could tell these dancers knew plenty, and their passion, timing and performances were exciting and we all responded with loud cheers.

The information for these events around the city in summer, the Dome, etc. are usually posted in the local papers, available at the Sunport Tower’s Information counter on the ground floor or available from the Tourist Information Center near the Takamatsu JR rail station.

We’ll have the next Seto Uchi Art Festival next year and I’m looking forward to covering that again with Cathy. 2010 was a runaway success and exceeded our wildest expectations in terms of tourist numbers and quality of exhibits.
I’ll be back with more about summer stuff next week so until then, keep cool!
"Pat has lived in Takamatsu continuously since arriving here on a one year study and leave 1981. Originally from Tasmania, Australia, he was involved in education at a variety of levels including as a specialist teacher for children with learning difficulties, and at senior high schools throughout the state. Pat is employed full-time by the i-pal Kagawa International Exchange as a co-oridintaor for international relations amongst other duties including traveling to schools and giving talks in Japanese to kids about Australia. He has been involved with youth education exchanges between Japan and Australia for many years.
Pat has been many things in his colorful life including a seaman, helmsman, welder, carpenter, traffic warden, scholarship/studentship winner at the university of Tasmania, staff at the Australian Embassy in London to name but a few. Pat has far too many hobbies which include tennis, playing jazz flutes and saxes, riding bicycles with the Takamatsu Cycling Club all of which his long-suffering family tolerate. Recently he's become interested in painting again. His wife wishes he would put more time in to helping around the house and the garden which he artfully avoids ..."
Posted by pat at 10:42